Do you know which roti is beneficial for you? Jowar, ragi or multigrain, which one will reduce weight and give health benefits

Do you know which roti is beneficial for you? Jowar, ragi or multigrain, which one will reduce weight and give health benefits

Benefits of Chapati : In our country, roti is a main part of the food, and without it the food here is not considered complete. Most people eat rice and roti. Although most people eat roti made of wheat flour, but from the point of view of health, there are many other types of grains whose roti (Chapati) is beneficial. In our different provinces, rotis made of different grains are eaten. Like millet roti is eaten in Rajasthan, while in Punjab, refined flour roti is preferred. At the same time, wheat flour roti is eaten in North India. From the point of view of health, apart from wheat, roti made of jowar, bajra, millet and multigrain flour is considered beneficial for health, because they contain a lot of fiber and it also keeps the digestion healthy. Today we will tell you, how many calories are there in which grain roti, and how it benefits your health.

Know which flour is beneficial for you

1. Let us tell you, wheat flour roti is the most consumed bread in the country. Wheat flour roti has between seventy to eighty calories and it contains lots of vitamins and minerals. It contains lots of vitamin B and its taste is also very good.

2. In terms of calories, jowar roti is considered the best because it contains only 50 to 60 calories. Its glycemic index is also very low and hence even sugar patients can easily eat and digest it. Jowar flour is gluten free and hence it is considered excellent for health. Eating it keeps the weight under control.

3. Apart from being low in calories, ragi roti is also considered rich in fiber. Ragi is ground and its flour is made. The roti made from this flour is very good for digestion. One ragi roti contains 80 to 90 calories. Along with fiber, a lot of antioxidants are also found in ragi roti and it also contains a lot of calcium, which keeps the bones strong.

4. Nowadays, multigrain flour is available in which many types of grains are mixed. Multigrain flour roti contains 90 to 100 calories and it contains a lot of minerals and nutrients. Many grains are mixed in this flour along with gram, jowar, bajra, ragi and wheat.
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Tags: Food, Lifestyle

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